Friday, January 2, 2015

It's Kind of Like Whatever

     In the grand scheme of things I'm not sure this is going anywhere. Realistically, I've started a few blogs and never kept at it. I don't really suppose i have a primary purpose for this particular blog. Maybe as a record of the changes I can feel coming. 
     Am i crazy? Maybe, but i'd rather be prepared for a future that's unsure than be sitting here like a dick weed while my country falls and kills it's own people. It is what it is...I'm not saying i agree by any means. it doesn't have to happen if everyone opened their eyes. The truth is that those of us who are armed with knowledge will be the survivors of the political BS our country is about to incur. 

"with knowledge comes power, with power responsiblity"

take it for what it's worth, no more, no less. Accept that which you can prove and always be skeptical of what's really going on.  I'm not militant, i'm not a traitor. I don't really care to stop any of the crap that's happening. It's like a universal purge is about to happen. Funny thing is that in this version the rich won't survive, money won't save you.  but knowledge will.

anyway i guess this is just a rant of some sort to get myself going...It isn't necessarily the meaning or purpose of this blog...I guess the whole thing is that i just want the chance to write my story while it's fresh.  maybe something will come of it....we'll see what happens 

 -  It's a good life we have here.